Plants to Avoid

Whether it’s flowers, berries, or vibrant, multi-colored leaves, plants can be beautiful additions to your home and landscaping. Even so, it’s important to make sure you’re aware of which plants can be dangerous to you, your children,…

Why You Should Landscape this Fall

If someone asked you the best time to plant or landscape, you’d probably say spring or early summer. But that’s actually a common myth that we're going to debunk! We believe in the power of autumn—a time for change and transition—and…

Landscaping Trends

Your outdoor area should be an escape for you and your friends and family; a space that’s inviting, comfortable, and beautiful. That’s where landscaping and other details come in. Since landscaping is an investment for your home, upping…

Mulch and Commercial Landscaping

If Trees & Gardens Could Talk, They’d Say: Thank You Very Mulch! If we told you there was an easy way to: Control weed growthImprove the quality of your soilKeep roots of trees and plants moistInsulate plants from heat and coldImprove…