How to Have a Healthy Lawn

Spring is here. Is your lawn ready? Now is the perfect time to prepare your lawn for summer. Believe it or not, weeds are busy in your yard hoping to monopolize your lawn. To properly deal with them you need to understand your lawn.  Lawn…

Protecting Yourself Doing Yard Work

Yard work can be a strenuous activity. Although here at New Horizon we like to think of it as fun (seriously, give us a call), it certainly requires some safety precautions if you want to do it right. Let’s talk protecting yourself while…

Preparing Your Lawn for Winter

As the days cool down, the importance of knowing how to properly take care of your lawn heats up! There are several things you can do to “winterize” your lawn, ensuring that by the time the snow melts and the leaves return, your yard…

Leaf Cleanup with New Horizon

Happy October! Where all things are autumn-colored, pumpkin-flavored, and leaf-covered. Although watching the leaves turn, especially here in Michigan, is always a beautiful sight, the aftermath can be a bit of a hassle. Those golden, red-hued…